8 ways to create happiness
Happiness is a goal for a lot of people that I work with and while I’m not happy all the time, I know how to bring myself back to happiness. Here are the simple and quick fixes that will get you back on track and by doing them consistently you may find you’ve created a happy life. Being happy means that you make choices that serve you physically, mentally, spirituality and emotionally. Have a clear vision of what you’d like to create in life and apply these simple techniques:
- Build your wealth in health:
If you are ridiculously privileged to have clean water, air, fresh food, the freedom to move around and have a healthy body then you’re already winning! Make decisions to prioritise 8 hours sleep a night, eat in a balanced way that maximises how you feel good, and not the latest food fad. Move your body today, there will be a day when it won’t be as easy. It’s not exercising itself that makes you happy, focus on the joy that you experience when you move your body whilst swimming, dancing, playing sport or running. - Think well and breath well:
Cultivate optimism daily. There is a fable that states there are two dogs, a white dog which is always positive, happy, hopeful and joyful and a brown dog which is always snappy, angry and grumpy. Each day they battle, which one wins? The answer is, the one you feed more.
I have created a mind fit process which is detailed in a separate article. Please review and practice for a healthy, strong mind. - Be mindful of the environment you create around your home and workplace:
Is there’s a part of the day that leaves you feeling flustered, irritable or drained? then change it! Be mindful of your input filter, what you are reading, listening to and watching. You have control of the input and be aware that it absolutely affects your daily experience of life. I no longer watch the news or spend much time on social media as I felt time was sucked away from things I loved doing and I didn’t feel uplifted. In the mornings I create a peaceful, and gentle environment for my family to wake up in to, this works well for us. Work out what works best for you and do that. - Boundaries:
Life will throw you lemons, you may experience problematic behaviour from people who have values vastly different to yours. Ask yourself, is this an environment or person
a) That serves me and my values?
b) Is sustainable for me to be around?
c) Worth it for my life experience?
We are alive for an undefined and limited amount of time, I encourage you to constantly ask yourself: ‘right now am I thriving, just surviving or is this situation sucking the life out of me?’ It may involve some hard decisions so practice having courageous conversations and setting the boundaries that serve you. - Be clear on your personal philosophy:
When you are living your truth, aligned to your values and practice living in a congruent way, it enables you to make faster and clearer decisions around what is right for you and your loved ones. When you’re aware of what drives your passion and why you do the things you do, you will find moving through challenges much easier. Take a moment to write down what your personal philosophy is and the character traits that you’d like to be known for. If you’re unsure then think of someone you admire or who inspires you and start there. - Lose yourself in something completely:
If you are lucky enough to do meaningful work or have a job you love where you are aligned to your purpose and values, you will find you are deeply engaged while at work and feel satisfied at the end of each day. You could find a hobby or sport which allows you to be completely absorbed and you will find it also helps you develop as a person both personally and professionally. Some ideas that have worked for my clients are Surfing, baking cakes, running, writing, yoga, laughing and watching movies. - Develop friendships and connections:
We need Connection, preferably with other people both physically and mentally. Nowadays many people connect over social media and technology but it fires off different receptors in our mind and leave us feeling empty as opposed to actually physically being near a person and sharing energy. A hug is healing in ways that are only beginning to be documented. To help connect with others, really listen to people, you’ll get lots of clues about what’s important to them and you can easily light them up and feel recharged by the interaction. Surround yourself with people that understand you and that you feel inspired by. - Serve, celebrate and be grateful:
Do something to help another it will fill your happiness bank. Please remember to take a breath at each stage and stop and celebrate small successes along the way, when you have worked hard to be happy, remember to remain grateful for what you already have and when you have achieved something you feel proud of.
“There is only heaven and we all go there, our true home for our spirit. There is no hell as it’s told, we create our hell here and live in it willingly. Our pain and suffering is caused by ourselves with our thoughts, words and actions. You can rest assured departed ones return safely to their true home.” – My Dad.
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